Minnesota Assisted Living Dementia Training Courses -- Direct Care

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New dementia training requirements went into effect on January 1, 2016 for assisted living, housing with services staff, and staff affiliated with an assisted living community’s home care provider. Care Providers of Minnesota's On-Demand Dementia Training Library offers modules to fulfill all the new requirements. In addition, these modules fulfill the new Housing with Services (HWS) Manager training requirement.

Care Providers of Minnesota has collaborated with Pathway Health, a national consulting and education organization, to develop this on-demand training on Alzheimer’s/dementia, with training modules for direct care and non-direct care staff. All modules are applicable to staff at assisted living/housing with services/home care and skilled nursing centers. Each training module is 30 minutes and features an expert instructor and straightforward materials on an easy-to-use platform. Users just need a computer with speakers and internet access.

If you are a Care Providers of Minnesota member, please contact us to receive your membership discount:  lmsnotifications@pathwayhealth.com.


Louann Lawson, BA, RN, RAC-CT, Certified INTERACT Champion - Master Trainer
Clinical Reimbursement Team Leader/Clinical Education Manager